Thomas Hegeman

Attorney at Law

8-12 Dietz St., Suite 204, Oneonta, NY 13820

Office:  607-432-7952

Fax:      607-432-7987

           My grandfather and father were lawyers.  I was raised in Spencertown, New York, south of Albany in rural Columbia County.  I’m a graduate of Hartwick College in Oneonta.  I liked my years in Oneonta so well that after I graduated from Albany Law School I decided to come back here to start our family's third generation of country lawyer practice.  I have been living in Oneonta since 1977.

            I have been married to
Marie Hegeman, a clinical social worker with her own psychotherapy practice, since 1989.  We originally met through our work with the Junior Chamber of Commerce.  Since that time, we have been involved with a number of volunteer organizations, including Habitat for Humanity.  Marie is a past president and newsletter editor.  I have recruited lawyers from the Otsego County Bar Association and their families to help build houses.  I have also donated house closings for a number of Habitat for Humanity homeowners.  I am a past president of the local Otsego County Bar Association,  and served on the board of the Legal Aid Society for many years.